There was an idea, where actor Jason Mamoa would star in revival of the 1994 films adaptation to Brandon Lee’s “The Crow” in a more darker and horror take version. And although that film has been placed on pause, the internet has managed away to assure fans a sneak peek.
Earlier, still images from the new movie, titled The Crow Reborn, had surfaced, which mostly complied of makeup tests but now it appears that actual test footage has leaked and we have it!
Twitter user @itsryanunicomb took to the platform to let folks know that the leaked stills were taken from test video out there which still exists.
Check out one of the short videos below:
The new film was said to be directed by Corin Hardy and was set for a July 2022 release but delayed due to negotiation issues between Sony and Davis Films head Samuel Hadida.
Are you excited and hopeful that this reboot will someday see the light of day?