Series: The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Starring: Kiernan shipka, Ross Lynch, Lachr Watson, Jaz Sinclair, Chance Perdomo, Lucy Davis, Tati Gabrielle
Streaming: Netflix
Review: Klep Napier
Rating: 3.5X's out of 5X's
Right off the pages of @Archiecomics and rebooted for a newer audience, comes everyone's favorite half witch half human #SabrinaSpellman. Told in the same universe as #Riverdale but one town over in #Greendale we follow young Sabrina as she is about to transition into womanhood on her 16th birthday. During the last week, she prepares to build herself up for the most important ceremony in a young witches life. She finds herself pitted against all sorts of strange and evil events. Torn between her mortal life and her coven lifestyle, Sabrina must decide whether she wants full power and exile away from her human loved ones or to have free will to be herself and to live and love her bestfriends and boyfriend. I was Shocked that I loved this so much! Coming off of Riverdale I was interested in a more darker telling of the teenage witch they call Sabrina, and they served this well. The pace is great, the drama burns slow and we know right off rip that this is connected to archie and friends just a town over in Riverdale. #KiernanShipka along with other co-stars are perfectly casted for this project. Shipka brings the same wit and charm as #MelissaJoanHeart from the 90s but can carry a load of darkness on her shoulders through out all while keeping herself relatable as well as Lovable. She was born for this role! Some wins in this season are that it dosen't play it safe. We know that this is geared towards a younger audience but the series shows that all teenage drama comes in all different packages even when it's of the supernatural assortment. Even through fantasy, lessons like discrimination, woman empowerment and sexuality, are strong topics in this series. Along with social agendas such as force feeding religious beliefs.Things that may not work are those same topics. Whereas you know it's all fantasy, some behaviors my not be suitable for all ages. This isn't Riverdale folks. There are a lot of praises in the name of "The Dark Lord" himself and many references of our "False God". But for those familiar with the source material this should be a walk in the park. Morally. Its Halloween folks! See this if you need that binge worthy horror fix for the Halloween season and or interested in seeing the Riverdale universe expand. Also Look out for unexpected crossover cameo 🙊