Film: Black Panther
Starring: Chadwick Bowseman, Lupita Nyongo, Michael B. Jordan, Danai Gurira, Letitia Wright, Daniel Kaluuya, Andy Serkis, Angela Bassett
Director: Ryan Coogler
Review: Klep Napier Wade Swift
Rating: 5X's out of 5X's
Where do we start? One of the most anticipated Marvel films to date has finally arrived and boy do we have a mouthful to share, but first, let's bring you up to speed. The Prince of Wakanda, T-challa has returned to his home country to claim the throne as King after his father is murdered during a terrorist attack set up in Captain America: Civil War. This film picks up right where Marvel left off and thrusts us into a mystical new world.

T-challa played by #ChadwickBowseman struggles to find his way as the new King of Wakanda while stumbling across dark secrets of the past that may come back to haunt him! Director #RyanCoogler delivers an exciting and powerful film mixing the Marvel culture with African culture and it's story touches on politics & power, poverty & injustice, and the effects of our children growing up in such a world. And how about that Marvel/villain problem? Well, #MichaelBJordan & #AndySerkis are the perfect villain 1,2, punch and wild cards for this film.

Particularly Michael B. Jordan's portrayal of Killmonger, who's morale and motivation will be felt by many who can relate. And his "Evil" is equivalent to say Loki, with complexity and a burning desire to rule what he claims he's rightfully owed. I know, I know we are obviously here to root for the good guy but there is no clear cut side choosing with this film. Like any good director Coogler forces you to think and feel and actually engage. Outside of the good vs evil, it's the supporting cast tho and the mystical world of Wakanda that really bring this one home. Our only critique is the occasional overuse of CGI particularly with one of the more pivotal fight scenes. Overall it's this movies pace, incredible cast & spectacular visuals that really make this a home run. NEXT UP, INFINITY WAR!!