At this years 2019 New York Comic Con, we stumbled across many vendor booths celebrating the culture of toys, artist, comic books, and even film, but one booth in particular caught our eye displaying something a little bit more unique to the culture. It was a series of books which all shared pretty interesting titles. 'Ad Astra' one book read, so it was asked by one of my CritiX team members if this were in relation to the Brad Pitt film. The owner chuckled as he explained that it was a popular latin term which stood for "through hardships to the stars".
At that point our interest was piqued. We began to drill with questions about the other titles. There was one title that changed our experience at the booth entirely.
The book was titled 'Ad Nauseam' . Yes, another latin term which stands for "argument or other discussion that has continued to the point of nausea". An odd title, but quite fitting for this book was catered around horror films and not just the films but news clipping of horror films from the 1980's, 90's and 2000's!

The Book contains all newsprints such as showtimes, original marketing material and even first reviews from critics [not us] during most film releases from over 30+ years ago. It is indeed an awesome read down memory lane.

The author, Michael Gingold of Fangoria, started collecting these clippings at a young age while attending Junior High School in 1979. Since then he had made it a hobby to collect and maintain cinema history the only way he knew how.
Although the genres of Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy all play a major part in his literary collection, Gingold hopes that there is someone out there who could start a comedy, or rom-comedy [Romantic Comedy] of the same proportion. Wouldn't that be cool?
But we here at CritiX Media admire Gingold for his tenacity and for helping movie buffs and horror geeks like us remember the times. In fact, it is Gingold's 'Ad Nauseam' which inspired our latest 'CritiX Talk Podcast'. CritiX Halloween Horror Picks, is our love letter to our supporters and horror fans who simply cannot get enough of a good slasher, supernatural and monster experience. So we've created list of films and television series' that we think would be the perfect pill to swallow for the halloween season.
Check us out below and also check out 'Ad Nauseam' available where all books are sold!